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IoW Members
Clan Leaders
General of the Army
<IoW> Nort
El Presidente
<IoW> Venom
Senior Admin
<IoW> allagor
Senior Admin
<IoW> Sin
<IoW> Sir Sux-A-Lot
<IoW> ontheqt
<IoW> Krocsyldiphithic
Jr. Admin
<IoW> sum1else
Brigadier General
<IoW> V2A2V2A2M
Brigadier General
<IoW> Winnie
Brigadier General
<IoW> Sakura
Brigadier General
<IoW> LiQuId
Brigadier General
<IoW> fr33m4ryj4n3
Brigadier General
<IoW> BangBang
<IoW> bearcat*
<IoW> WhoBot
First Lieutenant
<IoW> Anto*
Staff Sergeant
<IoW> Jayd
<IoW> MrBlack
<IoW> Mario
<IoW> HalfBak3d

Sat Mar 25, 2023 7:53 pm by BECK | Comments (5)

I've added a few new maps to the pool.

This is a KOTH map, looks pretty fun. Good for small numbers.

This is a KOTH map, looks pretty fun. Good for small numbers.

A larger, baserace-style map

If anyone has any other maps they'd like to see on the server, please send me a link where I can download them.

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Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:04 pm by BECK | Comments (7)

That's right. After 18 years of our XP Save settings, we've decided to give longer XP save a shot. Admins discussed and figure its worth a shot and we've had some new regulars now and then on fridays, so might help to encourage more play.

So as of now, the server is running under a new name, and new XP Save settings:

<IoW>:XP Save:No Bots

Settings are currently to keep XP for 1 month. We can adjust as necessary. I've also updated the title as it should appear in the server list to more accurately advertise this.

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Tue Jul 19, 2022 5:17 pm by BECK | Comments (8)

Hi guys,
I hate to do this, but server bills are coming up next month and I am hoping to get some donations from the community to help cover the costs. Nothing major, $5, $10. Anything helps.


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Fri Sep 10, 2021 9:19 am by BECK | Comments (10)

Hello IoW. Its been a long time since we did promotions. We greatly appreciate your continued support of IoW over all these years. A special recognition goes out to the following members:

QT (Brigadier General) ---> Admin - Lieutenant General

Kroc/Nervous (Brigadier General) ---> Jr Admin - Major General

Both promotions are well deserved, and are due to their tireless efforts to keep the server fresh and populated for our key Friday night games.

There are still A LOT of you at Brigadier General. Over the coming months we will be discussing adding more Jr Admins. We appreciate your efforts and continued support.

Other changes:

Bearcat (Captain) ---> Major

Congrats to Bearcat!

Other changes:

JayD -> Retirement
MOTION -> Retirement
Zex -> Dropped from the roster

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Fri Aug 13, 2021 5:19 pm by BECK | Comments (2)

In light of recent issues between members and some admins, some changes.

1. Baked has decided to step down as an admin, effective last Friday. Whether or not he plays ET or not is unclear.

2. I will be removing unnecessary admin commands from all admins including myself for things like !burn, !lol, !fling, !rename any commands that generally serve very little purpose in 2021 ET.

3. I would ask that people please PM me in game if they are feeling abused, are aware of others expressing abuse so we can avoid things boiling over. It is not our intention to host a server where people feel unwelcome. Let me stress this also includes non-members and their interactions with members and admins.

I hope this goes some way in healing the divides and showing that we still do want to encourage a fun and fair server for members and regulars.

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Sun Dec 27, 2020 6:07 pm by BECK | Comments (5)

Hello loyal friends and members. The admins have discussed (mostly due to QT for being on top of things) and decided on the following promotions to close out 2020:

Neurosis (Colonel) ---> Brigadier General

BangBang (Lieutenant Colonel) ---> Colonel

Taukima (Major) ---> Lieutenant Colonel

Gatorhead (First Lieutenant) ---> Captain

Who (Second Lieutenant) ---> First Lieutenant

Congratulations, and thanks for sticking around for 2021!!!

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Fri Nov 20, 2020 10:17 pm by BECK | Comments (10)

Sorry for the sudden notice. I have known about this for months and we talked about possibly moving last summer but it never happened. Any way, got word that the transfer and everything is already on-going. We may be under a new IP address soon, I don't know what it will be yet but please watch this space.

Our will be updated, so you can do '/connect' in ET any way.

EDIT: Updated IP Address is now:

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Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:31 am by BECK | Comments (6)

Greetings loyal members! Its that time again where we as admins thank you for your dedication and contributions to keep IoW alive after nearly 15 years. This is indeed something special that we've all built here.

Here's the list of promotions the admins decided on:

QT (Brigadier General) ---> Jr Admin - Major General

Sakura (Colonel) ---> Brigadier General

Totes (Colonel) ---> Brigadier General

Neurosis (Lieutenant Colonel) ---> Colonel

BangBang (Major) ---> Lieutenant Colonel

Taukima (Captain) ---> Major

Gatorhead (Second Lieutenant) ---> First Lieutenant

Who (First Sergeant) ---> Second Lieutenant

Anto (Sergeant) ---> Staff Sergeant

Special congratulations to QT for becoming a Jr Admin in the clan! Also to Who for gaining Officer rank levels.

For those of you who didn't get a promotion and feel that you should have, please don't hesitate to contact me or any other admins via PM. Those of you who have been at the top non-admin level (Brigadier General) and feel that you want to become a Jr Admin, again, please don't hesitate PM.

Thanks again, and congratulations to you all.

Other Changes:
Dropped from the roster due to inactivity: zexvew

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Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:34 am by BECK | Comments (15)

Those of you who tried to play Friday were greeted with a lot of lag and loss of shrubbot commands (e.g. levels). I'm working to restore that now, and I haven't heard from our host what they think the cause is. It appears the silent database directory is corrupted, all shrubbot levels assigned to your silent GUIDs have been lost. I'll see if we can get this restored from a backup, otherwise we'll just need to reassign everyone. I can try and do that as well.

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Fri Oct 11, 2019 11:06 am by BECK | Comments (9)

You thought we forgot about you guys! It has been too long, but its still important to recognize all of you who continue to show up here and keep this clan and this server going after all these years. On behalf of the admins, I extend our sincere appreciation for you all.

The admins have decided on the following immediate rank changes:

Liquid (Colonel) ---> Brigadier General

QT (Colonel) ---> Brigadier General

Sakura (Lieutenant Colonel) ---> Colonel

Totes (Lieutenant Colonel) ---> Colonel

Neurosis (Major) ---> Lieutenant Colonel

BangBang (Captain) ---> Major

Taukima (First Lieutenant) ---> Captain

Bearcat (First Lieutenant) ---> Captain

Motion (First Sergeant) ---> Second Lieutenant

Gatorhead (First Sergeant) ---> Second Lieutenant

Who (Staff Sergeant) ---> First Sergeant

Anto (Corporal) ---> Sergeant

Some of you have "capped" out at Brigadier General. Though we aren't really hurting for help at the top (there's very little "admining" these days) its probably not fair to exclude those of you who have been loyal, contributing members from not advancing to the next level.

For the following members, please contact me via PM if you are interested in joining the Jr Admin rank:






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Latest compatible full version of the game.
Full version of the game.
Patch required to play at IoW.
Client patch to play on 2.60 ETPro servers.
Chat program used by many IoW Members.
ET Keys are required for XPSave and admin levels.

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