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"Tips And Strategy"
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:58 pm   Post subject:  "Tips And Strategy" Back to top 

Tips And Strategy.........

Eh, I personally think that this is a subject that needs to be reincarnated. Simple techniques can help the player enjoy the game better and it increases the versatility of your "clan/team".

I remember helping some IoW players in the past with things translated from competition/ league play. People should help other people within the game, not completely sit on the skills just to say you are better than everyone within a server.

Any thoughts?

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General of the Army
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:08 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

If you think you can help (and you probably can), it would be welcomed. Smile

I enjoyed Russian's Nooblet's guide to battlefield survival by zi Russian v2.0

It is helpful, and a thouroughly entertaining read to boot. Always good to share your strategies to the game - Some of the better players aren't necessarily the best shots - they just play smart and have a good read on the battlefield and their competition. Even if you can't fix your aim, you can at least learn to move around the battlefield differently, and to your advantage. This is still something I struggle with to this day - I feel I am overly aggressive in this game and charge into fights, guns a-blazin when I should probably lay low.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:08 pm   Post subject:  Re: "Tips And Strategy" Back to top 

I agree, lets try to get this section of the website going again.

I'll try to think of something to post in the next couple days.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:13 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

BECK wrote (View Post): › If you think you can help (and you probably can), it would be welcomed. Smile

I enjoyed Russian's Nooblet's guide to battlefield survival by zi Russian v2.0

It is helpful, and a thouroughly entertaining read to boot. Always good to share your strategies to the game - Some of the better players aren't necessarily the best shots - they just play smart and have a good read on the battlefield and their competition. Even if you can't fix your aim, you can at least learn to move around the battlefield differently, and to your advantage. This is still something I struggle with to this day - I feel I am overly aggressive in this game and charge into fights, guns a-blazin when I should probably lay low.

First off, why has this never been linked before?! I didn't even know it existed! And also, I am a member of the Deathrush School of ET.

sum1else out.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:23 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

BECK wrote (View Post): ›
Always good to share your strategies to the game - Some of the better players aren't necessarily the best shots - they just play smart and have a good read on the battlefield and their competition.

I couldn't agree with you more. Most players don't usually look at it this way, however. I still somtimes get private messages in servers asking for tips on how to aim better (NOT BRAGGING MIND YOU). The funny thing is I'm not actually aiming that well most of the time. Yeah somtimes we as players have "good" days and "bad" days. This is the genius of learning the practice of playing "smart". If you have player smarts then it doesn't matter how good you are aiming or how bad you are aiming. Sure don't misunderstand, being able to aim well in a first person shooter always is a plus, but what happens when you are aiming really bad one day? If you have a decent understanding of the concept of playing "smart" and making the right decisions at the right times then you still remain a consistent and balanced player.

This idea is especially comparable with the quake based quote saying "All aim, no brain." It basically means it doesn't matter too much if you can aim alot better than any other player, because sooner or later, that will be your downfall. Putting too much emphasis on your aim will cause you to be so dependent on that one factor, that you will not take into account the other important factors, ie "Being in the right spot at the right time... , understanding what is possible within the game such as movement or the timing of objectives/items , and taking advantage of what the enemy presents to you".

Alot of people have asked me "How do I know when is the right time to attack or defend?" Well this depends on a few variables.

One would be what map are you on?
Are you axis or allies?
What objective phase of the map are you currently on?
What is your team requiring of you due to your judgement?

Most people say things like "WOW THIS GUY IS JUST A RAMBO MEDIC!" First off, he may be alone, but that doesn't necessarily make what he's doing a BAD thing. Many times teams get stuck on getting through a spot on the map or obtaining an objective. For example** : Goldrush First Phase. The allied team must obtain the tank by repairing it. Well the first thing is actually GETTING to the tank. Alot of people say, "Well, why not EVERYONE rush in through the main gate?" This may somtimes work, but it is a huge mistake in the theory of playing SMART. Even if, however, you or your teammates make these mistakes, then you need to understand that you are now easily predictable if you continue to be persistent and rush the same way. From time to time you have to keep the enemy "on their toes" by rushing randomly from different directions and angles that they may not expect. Upon doing so you now have gained the advantage instantly because you are now "Unpredictable". This is the same concept of using a "rambo medic". If your team is stuck on an objective, this "player" (WHEN USED CORRECTLY) can easily gain the attention of their team by "faking" a rush or by grabbing their attention to a specific exit/entrance. Once he has the attention of the opposing team, then his teammates have less attention drawn to their rush. Almost ALWAYS this is the way objectives are capped or completed.

Last edited by VoRg on Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:44 pm; edited 2 times in total

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USA US Illinois
PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:29 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I also am always going full throttle at the opponent. It usually is because i;m always either trying to defuse the dyno as fast as possible or trying to plant the obj before the other team has a chance to respawn.

I think engis tend to have the gun ho mentalilty,especially if your on allies.There's no time to waste when your working against the clock. Meds(especially rambo meds,IMO) are usually the ones laying low and being more careful cuz they are camping with packs at their feet and trying to get most kills and the least deaths as possible. When I see my 15 kills and 42 deaths it disgusts me....the only thing that keeps me sane and still playing the game is knowing the fact that I was the one that ran past Axis and blew the shit out of their Fuel Dump,or knowing that I was able to get the tank past the 2nd barrier and the truck repaired in GR just in time to escort it out. That's just the way I see it,once again not trying to point the finger at anyone,it's just my opinion.

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General of the Army
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:37 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

sum1else wrote (View Post): › First off, why has this never been linked before?! I didn't even know it existed! And also, I am a member of the Deathrush School of ET.

sum1else out.

It's been in this forum for years, not sure where you would want it linked Wink Gotta look around for gems like this one I guess.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:39 pm   Post subject:  Re: "Tips And Strategy" Back to top 

***NOTE**** I Added a bit more things in my previous post that might help. ^^^^^^^^^^

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General of the Army
General of the Army
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:44 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I agree with Stev0 to an extend - I do sacrifice myself as an engineer constantly in the interest of doing my job - as do most people.

I guess when it comes to just plain old conflict on the battlefield (not defusing or repairing, etc) movement and picking your battles makes a huge difference.

I struggle with being baited into a battle - this is especially a problem on defense - I see an enemy across the map, and I end up chasing that guy down (for better or worse) when I should probably just stay put and defend the position I'm in. There are so many problems with this - you leave your team hanging by opening up an area you are supposed to be defending, and then you also might die in the pursuit of a kill. So you're chasing down this guy to try and take him out, and he ends up killing you - so not only are you denied the kill, you are now dead and waiting to respawn.

Does that make sense, or am I just stating the obvious here?

I guess the point is - pick your battles sometimes, that is one example of smart play that I can provide.

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General of the Army
General of the Army
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:52 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

Another bit of smart play is trigger discipline. TK's will happen, but they don't always have to happen. I know if there is a fierce 1v1 going on up ahead, I will usually hold fire (this is the discipline I speak of) so that I don't risk hitting my teammate. Best case - you save some ammo, or you get the easy mop-up kill Wink - worst case, the guy gets a double kill and looks like a badass. This of course is highly dependent on circumstances - if you're in a tight hallway, this is critical - if you've got crossfire on the guy, go ahead and open up on him.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:54 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

BECK wrote (View Post): ›
I struggle with being baited into a battle - this is especially a problem on defense - I see an enemy across the map, and I end up chasing that guy down (for better or worse) when I should probably just stay put and defend the position
Does that make sense, or am I just stating the obvious here?

It makes perfect sense, a key element is knowing when you should chase that guy, or let him go. A very helpfull thing when in this situation is your SPAWNTIME. Alot of pub players don't like /killing in a battle or whatever, but this is a perfect situation of when to do so, whether is a league competition match or on the pub just trying to defend of attack the objectives. If you have a only a few seconds before you spawn and someone is relatively close then chase him, however, I wouldn't go "out of the way" to try and get the player. If you do, and you die you will be "out for full spawn". This never can help your team in any way if you are sitting in limbo mode while your other team is still trying to hold down a specific phase. I would /kill out right before you spawn. This way.... you respawn with full health/ammo, and can easily reset back up into your defensive position while still being aggressive before you respawn each time. However the one time when it is not appropriate is when the whole phase or map turnout depends on you. IE Your team is dead, and the phase depends on you. If you push out and attack, thus leaving your post or spot defending the objective then you will be /killing when you are the only one defending it. This allows them easy access right into the objective, possibly resulting in a map loss.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:59 pm   Post subject:  Re: "Tips And Strategy" Back to top 

Another tip when attempting to "BAIT" an enemy into your or your teammates line of fire is to make it seem as if you are weak or unprepared to fight him when you know he is coming. For example, you see a lone medic entering a room that you are defending... If he seems patient or unsure about entering the room then play some "MIND GAMES" with him. EVEN IF you have plenty of ammo with your smg, try pulling out your pistol and prefiring the door at which he will soon enter. He may actually think that you only have ammo for your pistol so he will become very sure that he will be able to kill you, just for the fact alone that (HE THINKS) you only have a pistol. Once he enters the room then you have succeeded in a successful bait. Quickly pull out your smg and surprise him as he enters the room. NOTE**** MIND GAMES ARE VERY FUN. Laughing

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General of the Army
General of the Army
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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:04 pm   Post subject:   Back to top 

I just re-read this:

This is a must read, Russian is/was a funny mofo - this is brilliantly written.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:14 pm   Post subject:  Re: "Tips And Strategy" Back to top 

NOTE***** This is a perfect example of what I meant when I said that its not all about aim. Its about knowing when to attack, when to defend, and when to bait based of what the enemy presents to you and your team. Note the clip shows me aiming pretty sloppy and recklessly, but it isn't about that. Try to use concepts like this while playing.

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PostYou have posted in this forum: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:08 pm   Post subject:  Re: "Tips And Strategy" Back to top 

In reference to that 1v1 fight thing, it is smart to not go into battle alone, rather in groups of 2 or 3, but with that said one person has to always go first and they usually know that if anotehr group of 2 to 3 are also coming he will die, possibly without a single kill but this allows for the other 2 to finish off the rest of the team and push on.

but yea, its common that in 1v1's you just stay back and try to get in a few shots here and there to help your team mate kill the guy. As for people who moan about 'camping' or 'running away' thats just common sense in ET. If you are alone and run in and there are 3 meds there you do not start goin nuts, you find a place to hid and heal and try to take them off as they come, high chance that if they all rush, theyll be helping YOU by TKing their own team mate by accident.

As vorg pointed out alot is about play smart and not necessarily having great aim, instances where you randomly through a nade somewhere or start shooting and anticipating someone before they arrive -- you might get called a 'wallhacker' when its just that youve

a.) Been keeping track of the people on the other team who hav died
b.) How many have spawned in taht time
c.) Which part of the map has been without any sort of activity for a while, and thus is favourable to enemy to try to use THAT route
d.) If you were the enemy, what would you do? For instance, I remember i killed someone on railgun as soon as they were coming out of the medpack area towards the tug and i shot before i saw him -- how? Because a few axis were rushing from the other side but common sense says that another Axis will defenitely be down there taking the backroute to sneak with tug or backrape.

Yea, thats just some of my hints, hope they're helpful.

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