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#1:  For Apparition Author: DrEvil Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:30 pm

I used to have the same problem with my computer. Everytime I played ET my computer would just reboot for no reason. I finally figured out the problem was my CPU fan had so much lint and debris clogged up in it that my CPU was overheating. So you might want to clean yours up and see if that helps.

#2:   Author: PistolPete Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:08 am

yeah chances are that ur cpu is overheating and all cpus have a temp at which they shut uff the comp so that u dont fry em, about 60 degrees C i believe

or, if u dont wanna take apart ur comp, wat u can do is make sure there is enough open space around ur comp, so if its like in a compartent inside a desk, take it out or w/e, lets some air flow around it

or, do wat evil sed and clean out ur case fan and cpu fan

AND if that still dont work, invest in a another case fan, there shud be an open spot on the side of ur comp or one more in the back, i got 2 fans runnin, one in the back blwoin out and one on the side blowin in on my cpu and gfx cards, a fan shudnt cost more than 10 bux

#3:  how msn Author: OmegaBlade Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:39 am

Hey i canot be opening another topic so me posting ym problem here. I want to know how u can find out whether someone is sending a mssage from msn to u a while u ar playing. For sometimes when i talk to tan in msn he is playing so have does he know i sent him a message?

#4:  Re: how msn Author: DrEvil Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:58 am

OmegaBlade wrote: › Hey i canot be opening another topic so me posting ym problem here. I want to know how u can find out whether someone is sending a mssage from msn to u a while u ar playing. For sometimes when i talk to tan in msn he is playing so have does he know i sent him a message?

When I am playing ET and someone sends me a MSN message I hear a bleeping sound and this can only be heard if i don't have my music on which i usually do.

#5:   Author: StEVoNuB420 Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:49 am

Sometimes I hear the bleeping and other times it doesn't do anything.Weird. Rolling Eyes

#6:  i forgot Author: OmegaBlade Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 6:52 am

Lol i forgot i nerver on my msn when playing. Razz Ping rises. Laughing

#7:   Author: Apparition Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:09 am

Well I just thoroughly cleaned my heatsink, powersupply, hdd, and peripherals, and spray cleaned my mobo and all around case. Still reboots when I try and play ET. Which I find is funny, this only happens when I play ET. I even played some Oblivion last night which is 10 times better than ET in every way. Only problem is with Et.

My computers (which do not run all the time..90% of the time this is the only comp running) are in the basement, it's at least 5-6 degrees cooler than it is on the main floor of my house. The comp itself is sitting beside my desk with half a foot distance between the wall and my desk on either side. I have to say this is the first time a problem like this has arisen for me. The case sides themselves have large portions of air pockets. Inside to out from the heatsink/cpu attached to the case side a funnel with a circular pattern of air pockets for the air to be sucked out...if you dont have a setup like mine you wont know what im talkin about. The case came this way.. for good air flow.

I'll try moving the comp forward some and put it at an angle so there's a little more airflow on both sides, but I don't believe that will make much difference.. trying it now.. booting ET.

#8:   Author: Apparition Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:47 am

Still no success. Just rebooted on me 10 seconds after I entered our twl pro server. Before I cleaned the computer top to bottom I took the liberty of scanning my protected system files, none are corrupt.. i'd also have more problems than a game causing reboots anyway. All of my onboard and peripheral drivers are working, and they are all the proper drivers for my hardware.

I'm thinking of reinstalling Et to see if that will fix the problem, it's inconceivable that a game is causing me to reboot. Further suggestions would be appreciated.

#9:   Author: Matt5 Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 11:50 am

Overheating will NOT cause a reboot when *opening* a game...

Over heating will cause the computer to be slower, crash at unknown times, playing *any* CPU intensive game... it could also cause lag (jew had this prob untill i cleaned his heatsink and added some new cooling compound)

The problem is ET here. its causing some error in windows...

speedfan will tell you the temp of all things in ur comp... CPU's hard drives... even video cards... its free google it... (i have 30 IE's open right now so i *cant* open another to get the link)

It also lets you control the fan speed...

Id say reinstall ET OR install it to a new location... and see if it STILL fails to work.

#10:   Author: Nort Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:37 pm

how about you do this
goto control panel
administrator tools
open the event viewer
and log at the software log to errors
as well as the log for system errors

any errors around the time you crashed woudl be what you want to focus on, it will tell you what crashed and give you somewhere to start.
Dont be following matt5 advice and just start throwing solutions around hoping to hit the needle in the haystack Wink

#11:   Author: Matt5 Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:57 pm

.............. ALL i did was explain more of what people said about the heat sinks and over heating. and said it would be a ET prob... a *new* install would be the best way to test it... not to mention we know the prob is with ET only, thuse it be easier to just do a fresh install as a test, and if it works... prob solved no stupid crap needed... et take about 2 mins to install... if not then time to dig around and see what happened...

#12:   Author: Apparition Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:28 pm

The event viewer didn't show anything. I looked in the Application log but it said there were no items in there. Go figure. On the other hand, I did do a fresh install to a different location(I don't think the location mattered) and I was able to get in the game on our pub server..10 seconds went by.. and it didn't reboot. I think it's fixed. Now I need my access restored on the server, and to dl the necessary twl maps well as input my new guid in my teamwarfare profile.

#13:   Author: Nort Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:32 pm

obviously you have never performed a job in professional tech support environment? if you have then you would know proper procedures. Before you start ANYWHERE with a solution there are steps you take first one being check the event logs.
Just throwing solutions at a problem is the incorrect way to provide tech support unless it is a documented problem that you definetly know a solution for. such as keyboard wont type then you can easily say ok check to make sure keyboard did not come unplugged.
First check the event logs, second you failed to distinguish if this is happening with etpub and etpro or just etpro, 3rd if it is just etpro do you have dual processors or dual core? there are all kinds of things that this could be related. just simply "reinstalling the game" does not determine root cuase or even attempt to perform the basic step of "ISOLATE THE PROBLEM" Im sorry but i am an IT professional and when i see someone posting with a problem i am going to help them and i WILL help them the correct way.

#14:   Author: Nort Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:41 pm

@matt5 - real life story of tech support from my own experience.

Problem: occasionaly user sends a document to the printer from a microsoft word document and pc then crashes and reboots

does this mean i reinstall microsoft word assumning its the problem or at least try to reisntall word first as a solution? i think now
Does this mean i immediately reinstall the print drivers assumning they are hte problem? i think not!

After following the proper trouble shooting steps and not assumning anything i determined root cause.

Cause: user was copying images off html pages and pasting them into a word document. some images had "white space at edges" but was still counted as the image for size. The borders of the image were exceeding the document margins causing a buffer crash when sending to printer.

Solution: Verify the images were not exceeding margins. resent the documents to printer and had no error

#15:   Author: Tangik Post You have posted in this forum: Fri Aug 25, 2006 1:50 pm

"Have you checked your tcip settings? You wanna buy this dog" Stewie the untold story.
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