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Instruments of WarGeneral ChatLooking to buy a gaming laptop

#1:  Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:38 pm

Hi Guys/Gals,

I'm looking to buy a gaming laptop. I tend to travel a lot and end up taking my Mac w/ me that isn't capable of doing much. I do have a desktop at home with a Evga Gtx 460 graphics card - which gets the job done (can play witcher/skyrim/gta5) on pretty decent settings. While the desktop is great and all, I just figured it'd be nice to have a portable gaming machine.

My budget is $1350-1500. I'm also looking for a laptop that at least has a Nvidia gtx 1070. I'm not too big on screen size, but 15 or 17 inch is fine.

Do you guys have any suggestions?

I've looked at a few
* Asus Rog
* Acer Predator -
* Alienware


#2:   Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:50 pm

Id rather have a powerful desktop and a mediocre laptop for traveling, not the other way around. If I was in that situation, I would use 8-900 of your budget on a decent mid range desktop and then the rest on an average laptop capable of playing games at a playable fps. You could sell your PC at /r/hardwareswap. Something like this would run most new games easily:

To answer your question about suggestions the only gaming laptop I have any experience with is an MSI GT62VR. I played BF1 and Watch dogs 2 on it and it was pretty sick.

#3:   Author: Nort Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:38 pm

Quick! i will sell you a gaming laptop! I will make it out of grade A recycled cardboard and use nothing but the best of crayola to draw keys and such on it!

That aside, before you put such a large chunk into the gaming laptop you should consider how often do you plan to use it? Along the lines of what sin says. I get more use out of my desktop and so my money goes into that, expecially as i can always upgrade my desktop piecemeal to meet specs if there happens to be a new game i am not able to run.

Plus on top of that cost you are looking to spend for the laptop, how much is extended warranty added on to that? Laptops suck in that they are not easily upgradable, and once they break its a pain to have to fix them.

If you arent out buying the latest, greatest, newest games all the time follow sin suggestion, spend less on the laptop and invest more in your desktop. You can always turn the graphics down to lower settings on the laptop to boost the playability of a game if it comes to it.

#4:   Author: HalfBak3d Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:57 pm

Whatever you decide, decide quickly. Your touch pad panzer combo sucks. Smile

#5:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:45 pm

I have no experience with laptops. But I've never had any issues with asus or corsair products. Id stay away from alienware ( dell )

#6:   Author: Jayd Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 21, 2017 9:01 pm

Nort wrote (View Post): › That aside, before you put such a large chunk into the gaming laptop you should consider how often do you plan to use it? Along the lines of what sin says. I get more use out of my desktop and so my money goes into that, expecially as i can always upgrade my desktop piecemeal to meet specs if there happens to be a new game i am not able to run.

Plus on top of that cost you are looking to spend for the laptop, how much is extended warranty added on to that? Laptops suck in that they are not easily upgradable, and once they break its a pain to have to fix them.

If you arent out buying the latest, greatest, newest games all the time follow sin suggestion, spend less on the laptop and invest more in your desktop. You can always turn the graphics down to lower settings on the laptop to boost the playability of a game if it comes to it.

I agree with this. When it comes to gaming on a laptop, you are always going to have to compromise your gaming experience for the added portability. The amount of money you plunk down decides how much (or how little) you have to compromise: the more money you spend, the less compromise you make in gaming experience. So I'd say if you're willing to compromise more (by lowering your graphical settings when gaming on the go), you get to spend less on the laptop, which will let you spend more on a desktop.

Now that being said, please don't let our posts sway you away from a laptop if that's what you really want. But you did mention you have an older desktop so I'm taking that as meaning to you're not completely divorced from the idea of gaming on a desktop.

In addition, you could always buy a cheaper laptop and connect it to a thunderbolt graphics dock (like the Razer Core, ASUS ROG XG Station 2 or Akitio Node) when you feel like gaming. That way you can have the benefits of a laptop without having its graphics card go old within a year or two and then feeling like you need to buy another laptop.

Also, do you get a laptop because it's portable or because it's portable AND has a screen attached to it? Because if you just game when you're in a hotel room or something, you can always buy an ultra-portable desktop type of machine (like a Zotac Magnus EN1070) instead of a laptop to get more bang for your buck.

#7:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:06 pm

Thanks for all your guys' input.

Maybe a laptop is not the way to go, I'll continue to use my current laptop for now.

But as far as desktops go, I'd like to really upgrade mine -- or rather build one from scrach. I started talking to Venom last night and he was suggesting this build: with some minor differences. (i5 instead of i7)

The only thing I can scrap out from my old desktop is the Corsair 750W Power supply, which is only about a year and a half old.

#8:   Author: HalfBak3d Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:21 pm

If you're looking to play newer games the next couple years then I'd keep the i7

#9:   Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:33 pm

HalfBak3d wrote (View Post): › If you're looking to play newer games the next couple years then I'd keep the i7

In that case, with the i7 + SSD: looking around $1500 which is pretty good

#10:   Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:06 pm

Get the 7700k with a Z270 motherboard. That one you have picked out is retardedly expensive. Don't pay extra for a motherboard unless you plan to use all of the extra bullshit features they give you. Also, air coolers are generally better if you plan to overclock casually, which im guessing you are.. I'd switch to a cryorig.

#11:   Author: Jayd Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:21 pm

Couple of things about that build:

-Why a 6700K over the newer 7700K?

-Why water instead of air?

-No need to buy the HERO board, that thing is insanely expensive for no reason. You can get the Z170-A (or even better, Z270-A) for $100 less and it'll do the exact same thing. I think it even has more PCIe slots!

-No need for 16 GB of RAM right away...I'd go with 8 GB first and then if it turns out you really need the 16 GB, get another 8 GB stick later down the line.

-Why no HDD in that build?

-What monitor do you have? If you have a 1080p/60 panel there is literally no reason to get a 1070, unless you're planning to get 1440p or high refresh rate panel in the next 2 years. If it's 1080p/60, go with a 1060.

So with those revisions made, here's your new build, coming in at $1056.23 (and you can go cheaper if you get a cheaper air cooler and cheaper 1060, for example):

EDIT: LOL got ninja'd by Sin. I love that he basically said the exact same thing I did. XD

#12:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: sum1else Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:35 pm

An i7 isn't really necessary for gaming. Even if you're playing a processor intense game, an i5 will do you fine. i7s are pretty much overkill for gaming, unless you're planning on doing some content editing and need the render power. Also if you plan on streaming, the i7 might make a little sense, but an i5 should still do just fine.

Despite my own advice, when I'm going to build my computer, I'm getting an i7, but I'm going balls to the walls and doing a custom liquid loop just because I think it will be fun. air can be pretty good, but I'd go with an all in one liquid cooler, since they tend to dissipate heat slightly better than air (not that much) and tend to be quieter since you can have the fan speed turned down a bit.

I didn't look at the parts lists, but regardless of what games you're playing, an i7 is overkill. Any bottlenecking is very rarely at the CPU. That's only if you have like 2 Titan XPs and a non-unlocked i3 and are trying to play in 4k with max settings on something like Witcher 3.

#13:   Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:36 pm

The 1060 3 gb card is a total piece of crap. An RX480 8gb version is the same price after rebates and performs better and supports the much cheaper Freesync monitors. Also does way better in DX 12. If you prefer the green tax than just jump up to the 1070 because the RX480 blows the doors off the 1060 at its price range.

It also brings up a good point about his monitor. Is he going 1080/60hz, 1440/60, 1080/144hz, 1440/144hz?

#14:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:38 pm

sum1else wrote (View Post): › An i7 isn't really necessary for gaming. Even if you're playing a processor intense game, an i5 will do you fine. i7s are pretty much overkill for gaming, unless you're planning on doing some content editing and need the render power. Also if you plan on streaming, the i7 might make a little sense, but an i5 should still do just fine.

Despite my own advice, when I'm going to build my computer, I'm getting an i7, but I'm going balls to the walls and doing a custom liquid loop just because I think it will be fun. air can be pretty good, but I'd go with an all in one liquid cooler, since they tend to dissipate heat slightly better than air (not that much) and tend to be quieter since you can have the fan speed turned down a bit.

I didn't look at the parts lists, but regardless of what games you're playing, an i7 is overkill. Any bottlenecking is very rarely at the CPU. That's only if you have like 2 Titan XPs and a non-unlocked i3 and are trying to play in 4k with max settings on something like Witcher 3.
An I7 isn't overkill for gaming, wtf. Ever heard of GTA 5, Watch dogs 2, or battlefield 1? More and more games are going to need the extra juice, let alone the ones that are already out, that already need it. If you're buying anew PC and want to play new games, you don't buy an I5.

#15:   Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:33 pm

Sin wrote (View Post): › The 1060 3 gb card is a total piece of crap. An RX480 8gb version is the same price after rebates and performs better and supports the much cheaper Freesync monitors. Also does way better in DX 12. If you prefer the green tax than just jump up to the 1070 because the RX480 blows the doors off the 1060 at its price range.

It also brings up a good point about his monitor. Is he going 1080/60hz, 1440/60, 1080/144hz, 1440/144hz?

For now I'm going 1080/60Hz, will probably upgrade later in the future. So based on that, should I still go with the 1070? I really don't want to have to upgrade the graphic card for a while.

#16:   Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:01 pm

Yeah, I would. The 1070 would be ideal for 1080/144hz gaming. You'd want a 1080 if you plan to go 1440/144hz.

#17:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:17 pm

Also I'm trying to buy everything on amazon since I have amazon prime and their credit card to get cash back.

So my total on amazon right now is $1254 with Sin's build.

#18:   Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:30 pm

If you live near a microcenter, you'll want to pickup the CPU and motherboard there. They discount 30 or 40 dollars when you buy them together on top of the CPUs being cheaper than everywhere else.

#19:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: Jayd Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 8:50 pm

sum1else wrote (View Post): › An i7 isn't really necessary for gaming. Even if you're playing a processor intense game, an i5 will do you fine. i7s are pretty much overkill for gaming, unless you're planning on doing some content editing and need the render power. Also if you plan on streaming, the i7 might make a little sense, but an i5 should still do just fine.

Despite my own advice, when I'm going to build my computer, I'm getting an i7, but I'm going balls to the walls and doing a custom liquid loop just because I think it will be fun. air can be pretty good, but I'd go with an all in one liquid cooler, since they tend to dissipate heat slightly better than air (not that much) and tend to be quieter since you can have the fan speed turned down a bit.

I didn't look at the parts lists, but regardless of what games you're playing, an i7 is overkill. Any bottlenecking is very rarely at the CPU. That's only if you have like 2 Titan XPs and a non-unlocked i3 and are trying to play in 4k with max settings on something like Witcher 3.

sum1, we normally agree on pretty much everything tech-related but in this particular case, I'll have to disagree with you. Yes you don't need an i7 for gaming (strictly speaking you don't even need an i5) but it's nice to have. There's definitely tangible benefits to an i7 in gaming: Off the top of my head I can think of at least 3 games that absolutely need i7s if you want to max them out and still get 60+ FPS @ 1080p. And going forward, games are only going to keep becoming more and more well-threaded so the more threads you have, the better. The growing trend for the past few years has already been to make games better optimized to use all the threads available to them...and now now that Ryzen is a thing, you can bet your ass this is definitely part of the game plan for most AAA devs.

Sin wrote (View Post): › The 1060 3 gb card is a total piece of crap. An RX480 8gb version is the same price after rebates and performs better and supports the much cheaper Freesync monitors. Also does way better in DX 12. If you prefer the green tax than just jump up to the 1070 because the RX480 blows the doors off the 1060 at its price range.

It also brings up a good point about his monitor. Is he going 1080/60hz, 1440/60, 1080/144hz, 1440/144hz?

Ah shit, I didn't notice I picked a 3 GB card. This is what I get for replying while on my phone lol. I definitely agree the RX 480 is a better card than the 1060 but I tried to stay with the same brands quick had picked since I figured he picked them for a reason. That's why I also kept the ASUS board in there instead of going with a cheaper board from some other reputable manufacturer. Although I'll admit I love me some ASUS boards too Wink

Sin wrote (View Post): › If you're buying anew PC and want to play new games, you don't buy an I5.

That's too much of a blanket statement, Sin. You can definitely play new games on lesser hardware. You need to qualify that:

quick, if you want to play new AAA games at maxed out settings at 1080p/60 or above then you definitely need an i7 since there's definitely going to be games that take advantage of the extra threads.

quick wrote (View Post): › For now I'm going 1080/60Hz, will probably upgrade later in the future. So based on that, should I still go with the 1070? I really don't want to have to upgrade the graphic card for a while.

That depends on how soon you'll be upgrading. If you're not gonna upgrade your monitor in say the next 3 years, don't go for the 1070. By the time you upgrade your monitor and need the extra horsepower the 1070 can bring you, there most certainly will be better cards in the market.

But if say you're planning to upgrade your monitor within the next year, I'd say go with the 1070 now.

quick wrote (View Post): › Also I'm trying to buy everything on amazon since I have amazon prime and their credit card to get cash back.

So my total on amazon right now is $1254 with Sin's build.

The build looks solid to me. I still think you can save some money by going with 8 GB of RAM instead of 16 GB but other than that, looks great.

Also, are you planning on OC'ing? Because if not, you could go for a cheaper cooler. Shit, you could probably get someone on /r/hardwareswap to send you a stock Intel cooler for free! Those do the job just fine if you're not going to OC.

#20:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:02 pm

Jayd wrote (View Post): ›

Also, are you planning on OC'ing? Because if not, you could go for a cheaper cooler. Shit, you could probably get someone on /r/hardwareswap to send you a stock Intel cooler for free! Those do the job just fine if you're not going to OC.

If it's absolutely necessary I will. But more than likely I won't. The only thing I really overclocked was my Evga gtx 460 -- never really touched cpu OC'ing.

Do you guys honestly trust r/hardwareswap? Lol

#21:   Author: Jayd Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:05 pm

You definitely don't need to OC, but since you're getting an OC'able CPU and a motherboard that supports OC'ing, there's no reason not to. It's literally free performance you're leaving on the table. But yeah if you're not planning on OC'ing or are only going to OC lightly (lets say 500 MHz or so) you can get something cheaper like the perennial favorite, the Hyper 212 EVO. That's the cooler I use and it does me just fine.

I buy from /r/hardwareswap all the time. Most people there use PayPal so if you don't get your product, just ask for a refund from PayPal. They'll take care of it. I had to do that once already.

#22:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:24 pm

@Jayd, ok I'll go w/ your 8GB ram suggestion, I guess 16 is overkill

#23:   Author: Nort Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Mar 23, 2017 8:36 am

Only thing i have to add to this, Your 500 GB SSD drive will be nice, but i would honestly recommend adding a less expensive dedicated 1gb (minimum) SATA just for your steam and game installs. Those things fill up fast, especially when some of the higher end games this days take 5-10 GB by a piece. Currently i have 700 GB of games installs.

#24:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:01 am

Quick, don't listen to JayD about your ram. If you are buying a new pc, just get the 16gb, youll thank me later. 8gb seems to me like youll be scrapeing by. While Im gaming with GTA5 or Rust, my memory usage goes to about 50-60% and I have 16gb. Granted, I have multiple programs running while I'm gaming. For the money/not worrying about ram usage, just get 16gb

I agree with sin and Jayd about everything else tho. I just showed you my build to let you know about how much it will cost. Def go with the newer cpu like you are, and like I told you about my mobo, its stupid expensive, so the mobo you selected is perfect. Like I told you, I just bought the pg279q 1440p 165hz monitor and my 970 does really well handling 1440p. G-sync really does help. If you plan to buy a 1440 monitor within the next year, id recommend the 1080. If not, 1070 will be fine.

#25:   Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:50 am

He doesn't need 16gb of ram. You probably have a chrome tab open with a ton of tabs when you're gaming. And just because your system says its using 50-60% of your ram doesn't mean it actually is and probably it isn't. It reserves higher amounts of ram than it needs.

#26:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Mar 23, 2017 10:58 am

If hes spending that much on a pc, spend the extra $30 to get twice the ram. Its a no brainer to me.

#27:   Author: allagor Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Mar 23, 2017 12:58 pm

I have to agree with Venom on the ram, get 16GB. I've had DS3 & Siege crash from lack of memory on 8GB

#28:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:39 pm

Ok I'm gonna have to agree w/ venom + allagor on the memory - I pulled the trigger. Hoping to get parts sometimes next week.

Thanks for all your guys' help - I'll post pictures once I've finished assembling.

Very Happy

#29:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Mar 23, 2017 3:57 pm

Pictures of the finished build with that SEXY ass case!

#30:   Author: Jayd Post You have posted in this forum: Thu Mar 23, 2017 4:29 pm

Congrats! Looking forward to pics of the build process and the finished product.

P.S. Good call on the RAM. Thanks for V3n and allagor for chiming in on that.

#31:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 26, 2017 6:12 pm

Everything except the CPU has arrived. Nice thing w/ the fan, it came with the thermal paste. Also the case is pretty awesome.

#32:   Author: Jayd Post You have posted in this forum: Sun Mar 26, 2017 9:07 pm

Nice Very Happy

#33:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:14 am

I was able to power on the desktop. Will post pictures tomorrow.

Currently hitting an issue activating windows 10 on new SSD and new hardware.

I can't seem to transfer the digital license. It only shows my old desktop, not my new one. I'm signed into the same MS account as old desktop. Any ideas?

#34:   Author: allagor Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:40 am

Have you tried lying to microsoft? Just say your new computer is the old one, that should transfer over the license.

#35:   Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 28, 2017 12:46 am

Those freeby keys from old Win 7/8 licenses don't carry over if you get a brand new PC, they're meant to get people's current machines up and running with the newest OS. Those keys are tied to motherboard, hard drive and basically everything. You can transfer the license if you change a part here or there, but if you get a completely brand new everything, there is no piece of the "old" PC that the license was tied to and your freeby license is essentially burned up at that point. If you had a win 10 retail license, then yes, you can keep activating that on new setups. But as far as I'm aware, those licenses they give out from free upgrades are not transferable to brand new builds with new everything. Unless Jayd knows a trick my only other suggestion is to call Microsoft and ask them to activate the key for you.

#36:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:32 am

I am so confused. I had a MS tech take over my screen and he just hit the tick mark of "this is my device" and it activated my new one. I guess he did something behind the scenes to remove it from my old one.

#37:  Re: Looking to buy a gaming laptop Author: quick Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:34 pm

Alright ladies, it is finished.

I installed Windows 10 64 Bit from my previous post - per JayD, all I had to do was just click that tick mark myself and click "This is my device".

The top has a screen which I took off to show the 2 extra exhaust fans I added:

The case is pretty huge. All the wires are in the other chamber, so it leaves the motherboard and all the parts very clean. I also added an extra 1TB HDD.

I played the following games on the highest graphics settings:

Witcher 3,
Dirt Rally,

And maxed out fps in each, and the 1070 didn't seem to have any trouble - barely hit 65 C

#38:   Author: Jayd Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 28, 2017 6:51 pm

Nice dude! Congrats on the build, looks good. Very Happy

#39:   Author: Sin Post You have posted in this forum: Tue Mar 28, 2017 7:05 pm

Goddamn do I love seeing pictures of brand new virgin computers. Nice job quick.

#40:   Author: BECK Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:20 am

That's a huge laptop dude!

(only because I just checked this thread and saw the title and the screenshots)

#41:   Author: Jayd Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:36 am


!play slowclap

#42:   Author: Venom Post You have posted in this forum: Wed Mar 29, 2017 8:49 am

RE: The case

Instruments of WarGeneral ChatLooking to buy a gaming laptop

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